The WIT Network

Working Remotely eBook

Transform your Organization with a Powerful Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

Thank you to Jabra who is a Champion Level Sponsor and Partner of The WIT Network Globally. 

We're Listening

Companies are really struggling with their diversity plans especially when it comes to hiring with intent. The WIT Network is always asked for guidance and direction on how to hire more women into different types of roles and at all levels.  If you are struggling to attract and retain your women identified talent within your company, download our eBook in partnership with Jabra.

You will learn how to turn challenges into benefits and opportunities into best practices.

You can download the eBook and read our blogs below!

You've Got This. How to Excel at the

Working from Home Juggling Act

Six Ways your Company can Improve

Working from Home for Women

If you are a woman working from home (WFH) and you’re not feeling okay, if you’re feeling more pressure, more stretched, or more stressed than usual, know that you aren’t alone. Far from it.

Women are shouldering a much heavier burden of household labor and caregiving during COVID-19, and it’s taking a toll – they’re experiencing physical symptoms of stress and burnout at up to twice the rate of men. (1)

When the COVID-19 pandemic reared its ugly viral head, prevention measures forced millions of people globally to stay home – a phenomenon that’s been nicknamed the Great Pause. The Great Pause makes it sound tranquil, like a serene time of rest. For many, especially women, and most especially Black women (2) and single mothers (3), it has been anything but.

The Great Juggling Act would seem more fitting. 

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Corporations around the world are facing a potentially devastating reality: women are rapidly leaving the workforce, and the economy will suffer the affects for a long time.

As a result of the dynamic forces caused by the pandemic, one in three women are considering "downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce completely. This is an emergency. Companies risk losing women in leadership - and future women leaders - and unwinding years of painstaking progress toward gender diversity... The choices companies make today will have consequences on gender equality for decades to come."

This isn't just a reality for American companies. This pandemic is global. Companies around the world are facing the same crossroads. 

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